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Saturday, July 28, 2007

i LoVe ThE RainboW!!!
(when it is ColourFuL)

i haTE the RainBoW
( WhEN it Lost its Colour)

REmEmbER!!..EvEryBody HaS its Own RainBoW!!

LiVe Your day TO tHe FuLLeST!!

~ { 3:09:00 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

ERm.... anothEr DAy hAd Pass!!!

A noRMal DAy i Had Today!!
But i tHink Is still QuitE Good....

toDay i SuDDenLy ReaLisEd That ThEre is a DEViL in EvEryBody HeARt!!
and tHAt deVil in mE LikeS To Talk To Me Alot ...

So i SounD MeTally ProblEm PerSon..
i aM TotAlly Fine!! wahaHA!!!

Today OnLy GO SChool For 1 HouR cLasS!!!
FRom 10 To 11 OnLy.. then Go eAt at Food CouRt 1..
the RoTi Prata WAs NicE!!
CruSh CRuSH!!!

ThougH End CLAss EArL... but STiLL Go Home At 6 pM!!!!!
Cause Got MeeTinG at 5.30pm!!!
i Slack at SPSU THe wholE Day...
i still dont reAlly get Used tO POLy LifE!!!

Life is So DiFferEnt For Me Now.....

What is In MY Mind? Jie Ying!!!
Wake Up!! Wake Up!!!

U NeVEr See The RainboW End............

~ { 2:58:00 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Erm.. AFTeR THat day...
Thing StaRt to goeS Bk To norMal...
But HoweVEr i ToTAlly underSTand hOw My ParEnt FeEL!!
ERm.. My MuM is Not tHE Mumi knOw LE!!
ThERe is No LOve in BEtWEen My PaRent le!

AmwAy i LeaRn tHat We Must Be reAllY TRy to LivE Happy EvErYday..
BeinG haPpy is REally So nicE!!

Smile moRE!!
itS The beSt MedicinE To cuRe aLL SicknESs!!!
This is One Of My Friend TEll Me de..
and i BEliEvEd in it!

~ { 11:19:00 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

i aM BACK!!!!

To All My FriendS!!!

THAnks alot For ALL Your caRe and ConcErn.. i Am reAlly vErY tOuChEd!!! _O.O_!!

I Love u All!!!

Erm..if i wERE To Look back now... that day my cousin bbQ was really the worse BBq i ever had in my life...it was durinf saturday..

and the next day , sunday.. my aunt birthday dinner also.. thought everything will go fine..and it did,.. however when reach home...

i have seen the most scary thing in my life....

i really cry out loud ...

cry my heart out!!!

and i slept at 5.30AM that sunday.. going to school

at 9!!!!

never sleep and had cry the whole night.. u can never imagin !!

~ { 11:08:00 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Saturday, July 21, 2007

today is my Cosin 10th birthday!
happY birthDay QiQi!!
Later going to her birthday bbQ..
but b4 that, i am going out with my gang of freinds to watch harry potter!
going off now!!
see ya!

~ { 2:39:00 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

long time never updates le..
these few days my mood had gone all the way to the bottom i can say..
my parents are having a fight.
very bad one...
i am very scared... really very..
i am afraid this home will scatter..
mum dad....
dont fight le!

if u notice: my hole front colour is blue.. unlike my other post which is colourful....
it is blue.. cause u am feeling lue nowadays...
where did my rainbow goeS?

~ { 2:34:00 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Thursday, July 12, 2007

what a tired day.......
lets begin my day today!!!
this is how it goes.....

i went to school in the morning at 9am. have lesson till 12pm. went to have lunch at food court 3! i ate something nice!i ate mian xie soup. so nice.. haha. got to eat it again next time. haha.
but then at afternoon i got my poly 50 run.!!!!
crazy la..
super super super tiring..!!
haha... cant believed i actually run so long.. haha.. 30 km!! our whole team. estimate one person 3km!
run until my leg want to break liao!! have to thank my friends who actaully give me moral support therefore i can continue!
love u all!!!
by the way. our team A got 22 place! which i think is pretty good!
for the other group team B! 33 place... however i think both our team did pretty well! we are there to show our team spirit! not all about winning! :D
we have achieve our team spirit therefore we win! yea!
3 cheer and 3 cheer and 3 cheer for SPSU! hip hip! horea!hip hip! horea!
my leg really going to break i think! help!!
pain! and i am super super tired!
going to sleep le.. tomorrow will be a long day for me! cause end class only at 5pm!!!
see ya tomorrow! haha

~ah ying~

~ { 12:55:00 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

NOw Now Now.. Talking about today!10 july 2007 tuesday!
first thing wake up in the morning. realised my mum was sick and didnt went to work. sayang mummy.. mummy take care. i went off to school today at 1pm. then all the way lesson till 5pm!! super tired.. facing the computer for 4 hour.. can kill me man.. and still need to draw 3D stuff which made our whole class gone crazy.. haha..

after schooL,
i met up with friends and we went off together. actually mei yin wants me to go business block.. however i was super tired and went home...
sorry mei yin! left u alone. oh! not alone. lucky got my "daddy". that shpuld be PERFECTLY fine then! wahaha... here come my evil laugh!

just simply very tired today...nothing much! erm.. sian ah!
Ending here.. tired le!
going sleep!!

~ { 12:55:00 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

HaHA!! NOw ABOut MonDaY 9 july 2007.. yesterday!
ERm... WAs Super tirEd in THe morniNG Cause SLept LatE Last Night! ALLMy ClassmAtE was TirED Too.. erm.. i SomeHow haD a BusY Day on MonDAy.. Was StRuggLing to Find sOme SOng For My Audition!haha!! And suppoSe On mondAy, my PLan wAs to havE My AuDiTIOn At 5pm. Then SPsU Meeting at 5 +. aftEr that suppose to go Poly 50 training.
but end up i didnt go poly 50 training. erm.. i went for the audition
. how it goes..
hai... super mar lu la! i cant believed i still dance la.. stupid.. all my face dont know throw where or hide where. was abit sad that didnt got in. but never mind, work hard ba.. haha.. :D
then rush to exco meeting after audition.. again.. long and sian. haha. after meeting i really tired and its late le.. therefore didnt go for training. after that, the whole gang of us went to clementi to eat. in the end i also never eat. cause need to wait for mei yin.go home together.i reach home late again. sleep late again.haiz.. tired! haha

~ { 12:30:00 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

eRm... hI!!
haha!! was BuSy thE laSt fEw Days..THEReFore Did Not upDatE My BLogger..wahaha! herE we Go aGain!
On 8 July, is Fiona's BirTHdaY! We wEnt TO K box At Marina SQuAre...
Had Lots Of Fun. WE sIng fRom 2 Till 7 pluS+. aNd the ToTAL CosT We Spend Is $160+ Man!!
suPer EXpEnsIve! haha!
but WE haVe Lots of Fun.. i sing tIll i AlmosT LosT My VoiCe.. haha!
tHen WEnt To Some plaCe And SETTle Down To bLOw cAke! haha.. got CAke sMashed onTO My faCe!! AngRY!!haha!!
then We Went To EaT...At BurGER KING! i didnt EAt.. inStEAd i Went Off Early.But sTill i ReAch hOMe aT 12am!!!!!!!
cause of THaT sTuPid 169 Bus La!! waited For 30 mins!!!AWHHhhh!!
ThAt aBOut That Day..8 july 2007.. Sunday!

~ { 12:20:00 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Its FionA's birTHday ToDay!!
HaPPy birThday!!! :D

~ { 3:57:00 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

toDay is The Best DAy i HopE!! cause A RainBow Will Like To FAll on EvEryBOdy LiFe As RainBow hAs 7 ColourS!! TheREFore,toDay 07.07.07 Is RainBow Day ForMe!!!
Happy HaPpy!!!yea!! :D Look caRefully on this message.what do u notice.tell me the answer!
and sTandto win Something Very nicE!! clue:rainbow!

~ { 1:16:00 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Hey Hey Hey!!!
This Is miss Ngui Jie Ying here!!
I Got My oWn Blog le!!
And is on
Which is A Very SpeCiaL day To sTArt My Blog!! wAhaha!!
All Thanks tO My Very bESt FrienD /DeAr.. MisS Mei Yin !!
I loVe u man!!
Is Such WondERFul Spending Time With u Today..The VERy sPeCiaL Day!!777
What Did WE Do TodAy?
Our initial Plan Was To Go Back To SChOoL (SP)
She GO ThErE To sTudy And Do Work,While I Had My Archery TrainINg Today!!
It WasRainiNG in thE morning!!
THeREfOre We Had a ChaNge Of PlaN! Plan B
WE Meet At CauseWay aT 12.15pm.
But Both Of us WeRE LatE!
I EvEn Wait For Her For almost 30 Min! haha!!
But is Was ok!
THEn We wEnt on To have ouR LuNCh!
At Pastamian!! My Favorites….
I Ate hAm And SauAGes bAke Rice As She AtE CREaMy ChiCkEn!
She EVEn TrEAt Me To My fav MoCha BuBbLe TeA..
after our LuNCh, We Went ShoppiNg!We Went To MiniBits and She BroughT a NeckLacE!! The StAr NeCkLacE.
THEn even WeNt On TO Take NeoPrint Again..The Second time Taking nEoPrint WITh Her using tHe same machine we took the first time!!
Nice Shot!!
Then We went on to the woodland library to do our work. We settle on the floor as we cant find a seat.
And that is when I got my blog…
Wahaha.. she started by doing my blog. Then we finally found a seat and started on our work.
Then we had our dinner at the food court..
After that both of us when home as it is late.. 9 + le!
Haha.. this is how I spend my day..
Such a wonderful day actually..
Oh yea..
Mei yin told me that today 07.07.2007, is Green Day!!Know As EArTH Day!—my Brother say..
Haha.. happy green/earth Day.. hope u all Actually had a wonderful time! :D
Be happy!!! (type This in a bus Actually)lol

~ { 12:41:00 AM }
aiming for the sky above;