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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Mei yin!! MY dEaR.. i LovE ya too...
u Make my poLYLiFe So WiDE!!!

Daddy.. u ARe SupER ForTunaTE!!

DominiC... Jia You in rolling Your BoAT!!
see ya in GEms EvErY FriDaY... WE All miSS Ya.. join uS more often! :D

dERran!THE supER busy guy i EvEr met!!
Good luck in WhAtEvEr u Do.. :P

doreEn.. Look forwARd to aRcherY training!! wahaha

ChristiE: Shall Go Out Somedays And sHop togeThEr!!!

XAVieR.. stop sPotTing PrEttY GirLs... u aRe maRRieD!!
haha.. REmeMbER to changE yOur FRiendsTEr sTautes too!! haha

bEnjy chuA.. haD a fun time PlayinG RockeTS!!

KeLvin: jia YOu in aRchery TRaininG!! How wAs todAys TRAininG?

KiaT tAt: sorrY aBOut ToDay.. NeXt time ok!!:D my tREat! wahaha

marcuS: hope u aRe fEeLing bettEr LE!! no moRE LS!!

Xin jiE :BEst mEdiC awArD to u!!! :D

Li ying!! My crAzy daughteR!!
Dont ALwayS high le ok!! mummY love u!
:P haha

EVelyn... May Join you For a Run!! haha

yAng Sue: rESt WEll.. Hot babE.. THAt DiCo nighT!haha

fArhan!My CutE GRandfaThER rox!!

Keat Ying: My Hot ANd SWeet Grandma And idol!

TRiCia: Hot babE... SweEt And fRiendLy SMile lightEn my dAy!

ERiC : i know whERE is MaRina sQuaRe!! haha :P

SArfiQ: My Hot gRandunCLe!! You arE So nicE and FunnY!!

jeFF: brEAkfASt time!! haha.. Funny And CutE jeFf witH Your nEW hair sTyLe posTing in fronT of Your Birthday cAke!

EugEne.. cAn i ALso know How Many ChildRen i HaD in fuTurE!haha

timE to GO sleep And reST!!
pandA Girl!!

GooD night eVEryonE!

~ { 3:14:00 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Boo...Going to UpDAtE aGain.. wahaHA!!!!
THose friend Who Read My BLoG OfTen Will REAliSE i uPDAted MY BLoG QuitE rEcentLY noWaDAys..

Ok get Back to Point!!!
i AM burning HOt now.. AcTUaLly is My SKin thAt is burNing Hot.. AftEr My Cool BaTh my Skin is FEeLing EVen hottEr...
haha.. CAusE to dAy i GOt archerY TRaininG!! And FRom MorninG till AfTErnoon... Long SincE i trAin likE ThAt!! :P
AnyWAy LeT TALk MorE about toDays' traininG...
i Shoot FitA 900 ToDay.. Woooo....
FitA 900 is a nAMe for ThAt evEnt.. that An ARcher haVe To SHoot 90 arroWs..30 Arrows for Each distancE of 60, 50, 40 metErs!!
firsT timE in My Life i HaD shoT These 3 disTancE Leh.. haha
Good ExpeRiEncE! Its reaLly Quite far..
And afTeR thAt i DiD WEnt on To SHoot 30 M in the aFtERnoOn.. So tired that i CAnt SHoot Much!!
aNyWay, aLso my first timE shoot so Many DistanCE agAin!! haha.. 4 diFferEnT DistanCes.. haha.. i Am beinG a Bit Lame heRE..
THOugH i Didnt Shoot WeLL toDay as i haD noT GOt my right FoRM yet...
HowevEr, todAys TraininG waS a niCe one..
i Am happy to SAy that i ManaGe to Make MoRE Friends And i am seriousLY LookinG forWArD To know moRE!!

aftEr aLl ThAt Tiring Training.. i Met up wiTH...( ok.. now i have to say morE aBout thiS persoN... causE she is JEALouS thAt i did noT upDaTe on hEr.. haha)
i PreSEnt u my DeAR!!!!
Mei Yin!!!
wo wo wo wo!!!
yea.. So tHe Story conTinue...
i MeT Up WiTH hEr AFtEr My traininG And i Pei hEr to Go eAt..
Poor Gal.. no $$$.. causE forgeT to bRing... And morninG till aftErnoon hAven eat...
So DespiTE of My TirEdnESs i WEnt on To Pei hEr.. haha... i Sound like a hero! DidnT i?
(Omg jieYing Stop being Lame CAn aNot.. haha)

ok..WE WEnt long joHn SlivEr... wAtvhinG hEr Eat.. i AM drooling!! wahaha... but i ControllEd!! haha... Then We take TRain Home AGain like BeforE..
Then i acTUally EAt my dinnER aLonE!!
after DinnER.. i WEnt home And Went out agian wiTh My fAmilY to SwEsen!!! WE hAd a grEat time TherE!
WE had iCE cREAm And EvErything niCE!! haha.. lamEr is herE aGain...Sound like something?
the PowerpuFf girLS!!

AnyWay i Do miSS that shoW!!

i GoinG to stop hErE le.. iF noT i think i going to be even lamer later..
going to sleep le... my right hand.. which is my bow hand 's muscle aRe really aching.. ahh.. haha
good night friends...
12.57 am....
good morning :P

~ { 2:29:00 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Friday, September 28, 2007

Yo YO Yo!!!
hAd BEen VeRy TirEd THesE feW Days!! ALso Dont knoW why? THough i Sleep eaRLiER than Last time..
i THink bECauSe NoW school Reopen le!!
suddEnLy got ALot of Thing to Do in SChool..
And BodY hAveN geT usE to iT!

ok.. Let tALk abit about LIFE recentLY...
i Am haPpy TO sAy thaT i ManagE to SomeHow GivE UP on him le!! YEa!! CausE i Dont WaNt to Get FurThER HuRT.. Maybe Like Given Up 50%? half or moRE Than ThAT.. haha
i ManaGE to tAlk to Him normAlly As a FrienD like WE oftEn Do laSt time i THink!!
What i WaNt to Say now is... haiz.. i THink i rEaLly look ForWard to A rELaTionShip Leh.. die.. haha :P..
But i knoW thinGs Cant be Force... i jusT hAvE to wAit..haha
jusT very CuRious Who is the HE iN fuTuRE!!haha!! For thE time bEing.. i Think LikeLy imPoSSibLe to hAve any.. cauSE DidnT Really HaVe aNyBody in Mind aNd No MayBe SupER CLoSe witH!!
ERm... ThAt i WAnt to Say aBout My LovE wOrld...

Now ARcherY timE!!
i reALLy FEEl like SHootiNG Man!! but i was ALwayS Busy.. i REally to Know SP aRchery BETtEr And thE peoplE TherE...i reAlly hopE to Make NEW Friends ANd be Good FRiends WiTH TheM.. CAusE WE ShaRe thE sAMe dREAm... WE ARe liVing in THe sAMe WorLD!! aRCherY WoRLd!! ----->
i ALWAys shoot veRY LoneLy!!
Whole TRaining i Say leSS than 10 WOrDs!!
i MusT LeRAn to SpeAk Up Ba!!
i Didnt Manage To Know More FRiendS beCauSe i Didnt WENt for THEir CAmp CAusE i GOT othER caMp..
SEldOm GO training!!! :( CausE SupER busY.. some time Lazy.. haha :P
hAd noT BEen SHooting For a WEEk +... This sAturDay Die diE musT go i tHInk!! neEd to Train.. CAuse neW Bow.. no training MEan die!!!

haha... going to End heRE...Going to SLeep le.. so tirED..awhhhh....(yarwninG)
haha.. FriendS.. Look Forward To a new bLog SkIn And a nEW titLe for MY BLog..
somEthing To LEt u knoW FirsT.. it Will sTill be aBOut rainBow!! haha
cAusE rainbow is my LifE!!
ok.. Look ForwARd.. haha

WiTH Sun and Rain, RainBow werE ForMed..

WiTH u ANd i, beAutiFUL LiFE lies aheaD!!

~ { 1:05:00 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Long SinCe i UpDAtE on My BLog.. My FrieNdS had Been "BLowing" ME LE.. haha..
OK.. LEt TALK aBOut MY HoliDAy SinCE SCh Just STarTed YESTErDAy.. RaTHEr sian. haha
And Guess whaT .. i AM TYpinG This in Class.. at My new LessOn IT for property..thOugh THe TeachER is RaThER Sian..but i tHINk she is StIll ok la..

DurinG tHe HolidaY.. unLike MosT of my FrieNd.. i Did Not Went to Look FOr a Job. Cause i HaVe no TIME at all!! haha.. i HaVe been Busy FOr CAmp preperation, tRaining ANd of Course Camp!!!!!
haha.. i rEAlly Enjoy Going to Camp.. i like to go And haVe fun, do sErious Stuff.. and of courSe Make moRE nEw Friends!!!!
thE BESt gifT During THis HoliDAy is THat i ManaGe to maKe aLot of nEW fRiends.. and i am really gLad of!!

FirSt i WENt for BE cAMp... my firSt CAmp.. BE FOt is reALly Fun... All the Friends TheRE aRe rEally FriEndLy ANd i LovE theM// and My tEam.... tEaM ROCKeT.. wAhaha..
THough THe Camp GRouP aRE VeRy smAll. but WE aLL MAnaGE to Know ALL PPls naME!!
BE EvErLAsting!!!

tHen Follow By a Camp That i AM the organisinG CommittEe......
icE cAMp!!!!
known aS thE ioniC evaLution caMp 07/08!!!!

WE done Alot of pERparation Like EQuipment Making...Song/cheeR Singing..++++
haha.. then CAMp the ActuAl pReperation CAmp...
i Got sick on The second Night la!! sian!! haha..
first day AftEr hElping up in The night wALk Logistic..i wEnt to SLeep and SEcond Day pre Camp i got heAdach Le...
But i Didnt reSt And WEnt on to SenTosa for anothEr perperation...i And dehui wAs theRe at firSt for 2 Hour Waiting.. then CAMp thE ReSt of tHer GP Joining us.. then wAiting AbothEr 2 hour... Gp i/c come SAying OUr game CanceL.. we werE so sian and a bit angrY.. cause i WaiteD for 4 hours under the hot sun And i aM Not fEELing WEll!!!!! ahhhh...
then on our way bAck to school.. is Already eVening.. i am tried sick and HuNGRY!!!
Really hungry..cause onlY eAt breakfAst...Lunch only have some SnAck..
When reAch scHool.. i aM ReALly sick.. but tHAnks To 2 sweet Friends, MarcuS aNd xin Jie!!
And of Course My dadDY... For tAkinG cARe of Me...

the NExt dAy... my THirD DAy of Camp... which is ThE FirsT The CAmp of The cAMpeR... the CAmp staRTEd.... Everything goeS on fine until at night!!
dinner time.....
we All got food poisoning!!!!!
We All wEnt Lao sai The next Day... nExt day as in Midnight..!!!
we Got Night wALk in the firsT day... HoWeveR me and Meiyin didnt Go cause both of us wERe got fEeling weLL.. so WE StaY on aT union to rEst togeTher with My Boss/godmotheR and daddy!!!
tHen Went to toliet in the whole CAmp a total of 7 time....!!!
CAn camp in toliet le...
until THE VeRy LAst day of thE camp i am FEELing well le...
howevEr.. when we Break cAMp thAt day.. Cause i too high... i Keep shouting.. i lovE singing CheeR and camp song... Then i sTarted to have sore throat and Flu...
AfTER bReAck cAMp we still Went on to CLeAn up SPSU.... rEally dirty MAn!!!
aFteR that Day.. i Went home to sEe a DoCtor..
sAturDay feeling ok.. reSting at home..
but CAmp to sundAY....
i fall Sick Again...
i Sleep eaRly that night after HavinG My medicine!!
Cause i neeD to PrepaRe mysElf of school Reopen The next day...

Talking About school REopen... whicj is yestErday.. first Lesson.. LAW!!!
mondAy is Our Law Day..
Cause wE oNLy hAve LaW LEsson...
i GOt bAck Our REsuLt For LAw...
i AM quiTE DisappointEd HoweVEr i reAlly expectEd it!!!
LuCky ENougH i nevEr fail... i ShAll Work haRDeR This teRm ANd SEM!!!
Jia YOu jia YOu!!
that About LESSon yEStERDay..
yestERDAy aFtER sChOol aT 3pm.. i hAd BEen sLaCking aRound AT thE 2nd CCa Drive!!
wALing around.. i saW ALot of my neW fRiends.. haha.. GLad to see them again!!
i weNt home yEStERDay at7 something.. it was very late le.. our intitial plan was to go play candals... however all my friends want ed today...
so i think we going today ba...
but yesterday before i went home.. ig ot reallt crazy and some how high... and some emo..
making some friends around me to be shock and worried.. haha
friends out there.. no worries.. i am fine.. haha

shall update more the other time..
lesson starting le!!

~ { 11:09:00 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

ERm...herE to UpdAte on lifE again!! resently had been THinking Alot of THings.. someTime even struggLe wiTh My Own thoughts!

LeTs Start With My LittLe Love WorLd!!haiZ!! i reMeMber Posting on My LaSt Blog on whethEr i SHould give up on him? After Lots and Lots and Lots of Thinking and My friends advice!! i haD finally decidEd!!!

My "dadDy"(benjy) sAid thAt i should give up..

DeRRan said depends on chaNcES ...

Mei yin said not to give up.. Nothing is imPossibLe!

Kiat taT sAiD Not To give up ALso.. aS it is Xin fu to Love someone! and feEl frEe To Love..

all tHese while i had been Lying to MysELf... Like My deaR (mEiyin) afraid i will get hurt! so had been Lying to Me that THere is Always PossiBiLiTy!

HAiz... As i had decided To Give uP on him!!!!!!reALLy goinG throuGh Lots of Thinking!!!!! so saD.. dont evER think thing had just end here.. in faCt.. it is onlY the beginninG!!! cause now is time for me to StruggLe and forget him in someways!!! :( i really hope i Can do it!! its really hard to give up Somehow but i MUST!! :'( facinG him is the Worse thing !! sometimE is hard To control.. and i Must stop myself From THinking about him!! Maybe i shall hust mySELf by saYing: nothing Worth thinkinG about Him When he is not even thinkinG ABout u(myself)!

the best way for Me to Forget someone is through this way!! hurting.. by someone or MyseLf.. Of course it will be More effECtive if Someone told Me someThing!! but i Will get hurt very baDLy!!haiz... at First i WAntEd to give up as i dont WiSh to get hurt!! in the end i realise that no matter how.. i will still get hurt.. haha.. isnt it funny!

erm... now what i wanted to say is that i give up because i really afraid i will lost him!! lost him as a friend... no choice.. be friends lor.. i really scared he will bi kai wo! if he knew it i am very sure he will.. even my "daddy" agree!

erm..mei yin actually ask me a question! what if one day he likes u or something..

i actually replied and say: till the day arrive.. erm... i think there is a high possibility that i will fall for him again if at that time i had nobody in mind.. that had clearly shows that i really love him.. ( oOOooo.. so mushy till i myself cant stand also.. haha)

me And My sistEr reflexion! Jie min--my deAr sisTer!
Mei yin & me After gym work.(b4 bath) ~(aftEr abth) haha..!~
sisTer jie min and Me AftEr our BaTh! ~ !mei yin! and my sisTer jie min~
Shall updAte abit more aBout Life.. hAd beEn going for training recentLy... gym training and rchery Training!! went yesterday for gym TRaining with Mei Yin And my sister.. THen toDay go school training!! Very Long never shoot 30 m Le... it really had been Long since i shoot 30m.. arounf 1 year ba.. haha.. but tHe feeling WAs good.. i shoot no bad.. but form Wasnt tHere.. so i CAnt shoot Much!! tirEd.. back Pain!!
erm.... tomorroW traininG again!! archery training in Morning then afteRnoon go gym with eVan!! haha!! am i crazy ? NO!!! i THink this is tHe bESt way to forget him... not to think of him.. is to keep myself busy!

my dEar mei yin is going to MaLaysia for Ltc.. got to Miss her Alot!!enJoy YourseLf ok! dEAR!

erm.. Lastly i going to end today's UpdaTe By Telling alL My frienD!! haha

i Got My IMeem Songs updated!! haha.. more song le..

i upLoadEd:

xi Jie--lim Jun Jie

Shi Jie wei yi de ni--- cao ge

zhi de ai--- FiR

Come to My BLog More often to Listen To my radio.. haha.. song i mean!! :D

~fight till tHe end, u will See rainbow At the very end..

i am at the Rainbow end.. ~

haha.. u will see me at the rainbow end.. jia you to all!! :D

~ { 1:09:00 AM }
aiming for the sky above;