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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Miss tirEd insteaD of Miss rainbow is HERE!!!

i FeEling Sian And QuiTE UpSeT..
not surE why upSet..
just dont Feel good.. Cant Laugh or Smile wiTH aN happy heaRT!!

Looking THRough My blog.. i rEAlly Hope to change My bloG skin.. i wAnt to be proud of My BLog..
hoWeVEr i haVe no Time And i Need SOme hELp in Doing it CAuse i Am a IT idoit!

Studies wAs bad... MST result was all avErAge... but i AM still not Working hard...
had aLways been LAte for evERy single lesson this SEm....
Not listeninG to Class... Tutorial owe is As High as a mountain!...

not Been trEAting my FRiendS vert WEll theSe few dAys..
i negeclted My DeAR... Sorry dEar... i know u aRe under a lot of StRess yet i Am Still not here for you!sayang sayang

sorry to some friends ... if i happened to ignored or didnt sound very nice...
But i want to make something clear here!!!!!!
you all can have fun.. however dont go overboard!!!!!
even my dear i also cant forgive...
NEVER MAKE FUN OF MY NAME!!! (you all know what i mean)
i am very serious about it!

i had been doing or helping mum do housework these few week... i think she going to scold me really soon.... but cause i happened to have alot of activite during weekends... so sorry..

My wish for the time being is that everybody.. i mean my friends around me to be free and release from whatever work load or stress they have...
of course also myself...
and i got a small wish myself...
i Want to watch Movie!!!!
Watch wiTH some pEople.. haha
haiz.. erm...

oh yea.. still got my tRaining..
erm.. i think i shoot quite ok on last saturday.. and i was actually very happy..
however i shoot like shit the next day.. sunday
dont know iszzit i tired.... i hope it is... but that may just be an excuse for myself...
jia you jie ying.. JYJY!!!

~ { 11:19:00 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Friday, November 23, 2007

Miss f3
miss f4
We want to FLy.. haha:P

Mr M4.. MatthEW
mrM3.. William
Miss F2.. xui ping
Mr M2..wilson
mr M1... Andy

miss F1..Anni

DEar And mE

F5 contestant..

DErrAn And ME!

Muhaha... Miss rAinBow is herE again...

Today WAs QuiTE Moody And Sian... HAve 2 Hour Lesson THen i free Le.. Went to ARchery CLub To rEPaiR and ArrowS tHen weNt on To go wiTH ThE MMSP finAList TO GO for tHEir Photo Shot!

btw.. MMSP stAnd for Mr & miss SingApore poly.
WE WEnt QuiTe faR,, Dont know WheRe also.. But tHen on the wAy i WAs WAlking Alone.. not THinking of anyThing.. Maybe Tired ba... dEar.. sorry For not abLe to EntERtain u Just now..

wHen We REach the studio.. aLl thE finalist was busy with make up and stuff while dear and i was there watching them..
we took lots and lots of pic...They all veRy PrEttY Lor... haha.. sian..
didnt manage to upload all the pic.. these are some of the pic...
everything end at 11pm la!! and there we are taking a cab home.. even more sian and tired.. until so so so late!!!!
then here i am updating my blog at this time...
erm.. mr vampire! dont sian le la.. haha..knew u will be reading my blog.. haha( cause i ask u to):P

Ending heRE.. Resting soon... nite friends!!

The RainBow Colour Today : BLUE!

~ { 2:13:00 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Boo.. heRE to UPDaTE again...
ERm.. Nothing Much.. sAMe.. just THaT CurrEnTLY THeSe feW Week got aLot of WoRk to CHiong!!
fRom Studies...
Alot ALot tuToriaL still Owe TEAcher..
Got bAck 2 OUt of 3 PaPEr for MST.. BotH did noT bAd.. bUT CAn be Much Much moRE BEttER!! jia YOu!
fRom archeRy...
Look At My DReAm bow.. So niCE Right.. i WANtED ALl Blue Man.. but in ThE eNd i Bought aLL sliVEr.. haha.. nevEr mind.. sHoot WeLL BettEr.. tHan got $$.. haha.. What Am i THinking..
Got my NeW SF CarBon Sight lasT tuESdAy...
reAlly find it nice.. but ThE pricE EVen nicer... SCaRY.. haha
SATurDay Shooting WASnt that good At firST.. but in tHE end not bad la.. MEans CAn find BACk th e Form a Bit.. TueSday shoot aT PpCc WaS BAd.. tHEn coach Not VERY happy...
i Too supER unhAppy..
from LovE...
haha...i M Just so Stupid.. noThing to write THen write THis.. nothiNG to UpDAte about currently.. cAuse SingLe.. haha

from FAmily..
Living HAppily eVEr AFtER...
from My DEAR!!(Mei yin)
Went wiTH her to juRong Point One dAY LAsT WEek.. she WAnted To buy YOu tiao To Eat.. so i TReAT hER.. then i BoughT BubbLe teA.. wiTH tHAT very cutE cOvEr.. haha... we wAlk aRound thEn wENt Home..
we BOTH hAD bEen busy With MMSp... esPeCIAlly hER.. dEAR.. jiay YOu..
tAke caRe.. dont StrEss,,, see.. i Console u le.. Wahaha..
LovE ya.. jia you jia you!!

i sTop HerE for tHE time being.. look forWarD to my upDAte on My Trip to MaLaysia laSt sundAy18/11/07//haha.. :P
THis i
s My dREam bow!!in FACt the whole SET.. BLUE ROX!!
BuBbLe teA.. So cutE...LittLE dEVIL..muahahah..
DeAr And Me Shopping At JuRong poiNt...
This is a suPer and cutE DoG!!
MY BoW!!! Cool??

~ { 2:22:00 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Sunday, November 11, 2007

ARchery UpDATE For TodaY!!!SP ARChery ROX!

Haha... TOday is Archery AGM(Aunnal Gerneral Meeting).. Many aRchery aTtEnded and so do i.... we took Pic and the AGM make me abit more about the club..anway.. talking about taking pic.. SJ was with her camera again.. haha... taking shots of me and others... wahaha.. lucky i bought my camera too... camera fight again.. haha.. found her very interesting and cute :D
btw, Sj, thanks for helping me see my form today.. hafiz captain too! :D
During TRAininG today wAs Fun tOday too... Tiring aGain... During my FirSt FEW ends... my EyeS Could beaRLy open La!!
Today is my DEAr firsT Training... i Hope shE enjoy hERsELf Man.. hopE to sEe her Shoot More and imprOve so in the FurTuRE we wIll go CompetitioN toGEThER!!!
i Got abit STrEss For My SHootiNg.. not Been Shooting WEll..... STRESs....chao yi..sEe la.. u shoot so WEll make me stress,, haha.. But nevEr AM i Going to GivE up... i would wAnt to train Back tHe jieying is usE to be...Wahaha... Dont be ArrAgon Jieying...!!!
AfteR Training WE WEnt To causEWay.. on thE wAy in train Took a FeW pic!
Me.DEAr.Camilla & anTHony wENt to cAuseWAy Point tO HaVe our dinnER!!
Merlyn Went home..
firsT we WEnt to the Night MArKeT outSIde... Each of us BoughT Something And was munching aWay.. haha.. tHEn Went to THE CRoweD food CourT And HaVe our ProPer DinnER..
haVe ChAtting THen WEnt to haVe SwEEt tAlk.. haha.. Dont know what on EArth today... vERY thing we Q up Will GET CUT Q.. haha. With our SWEEt tALk.. WE WAlk aRound THe Mall aNd EndED aT POPULAR...
WE staY TheRE For at LeASt 30 Min or More i BeLievEd!! haha
What havE WE been doing?
reading book la.. wahaha
mr anthony happened to read a something like feng shui book.. is PaLm reading thingy...
we thought it was so interesting and each of us started grabbing one book and read and COMPARE each others palm... wahaha
so funny as we laugh and found interesting fact. just that short time there make us find out more about ourselve and our LIFE.. haha... we onLY bear to leave when is really getting late..10pm!
each of us went our ways and bye!
i didnt went home and went looking for my kor who is wokring at metro at causeway point.. then we chat and then went home.. is his birthday today.. happpy birthday koR!!!
so easy to remember! haha
went home.. bath... updating the blog now..
i fElt so so so so so sleepy... so so so tired..
got to go sleep le...
nite friends... 3 am le.. morning :P
At CAusEWaY point..Anthony look Like a Kid.. haha.. so funnny :P

CAMilla aNd ME!!
DEAr And ME...
AT ThE MRT TRAin..MERLyn,anthong,camilla

Miss SJ TAKing Pic Of Me !Caught hER!wahaha..
TAKing Pic of OthERS!
HeRE aGAin... Ahhhh..h.
CELesT ANd mE..

~ { 4:23:00 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

DADDy ANd Mummy
One Happy FAmily!
iszzIt it So sWeeT?
SO rOManTIC!!haha
THE SWeET and WondERfUL FAmily i HAd!
hey hey hey...UpDaTing my BLog LIAO.. wahaha..EXCiteD? i fELt eXCitED To shaRe with u aLL My WondERfUl days !!

i wIll StaRt FrOM WeDneSdAy..

FirSTLy i got an inTEnsive tRaininG for MYSELf.. SHoot until My BACk AcH.. haha

At thAt DAY WEdNeSDAY wAS a SPeCiaL day..

u know wHy isZZit SPeCial? itS 7/11/07..MEAns is thE day WHERE 7 eleven STorE arE OPEn..haha
JusT a SupER sTupiD JOke.. itS ACTuaLLy My DEAR DaDDy BirtHday!!
Our Whole FAMily weNt to BottLE TRee PaRk aNd HAVE a WondErFUl DinnnEr tHere...
dAdDy.. i WishES HEaLthy And LucK for WOrk.. Hope he LikeS the T SHirT i Bought For Him..i Love u DAD!

sister And Me ..dont we look aLike?

Yummy! haha
MumMy And DAdDY!!!
Its DADDY's biTHday..
Loving Couple...

~ { 3:54:00 AM }
aiming for the sky above;