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Monday, March 14, 2011

Wow, finally blogging again!

Long since i have the time to blog during these kind of hours le. Ever since they left the company:P

Anway, this time blogginh status and feeling is all diff.

Everything seems to be back to normal. He is back to me and life goes on normally.

I fail badly as being a women or being myself. For not able to stand up and really get through life. Whatever it is, its over. Happy for now will be contented as we never know when the world is coming to the end.

JAPAN have recently met with the Big and killer disaster that swallow the whole city away. How terrified. And now they predict that there are more to come and as what movie shows, 2012 is coming and world is coming to a end. If that is really the case, everybody would just want to live happily and tell out everything before one regrete. And of course to do whatever you would want to do.

~ { 4:38:00 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hey Hey!!

Its been long since i last update. Been a bit busy recently at work. But actually is very sian and stress. The atmosphere is like so tense.

Talking about work...

The mindset of changing of a job came to my mind recently and i mean changing of a different job scope. Means i doubt i would want to continue what i study and what i am doing now. :P

Being a office lady, its so deck bound and staying in the office for hours make me feel scaffocating. Is like breathing in the office air for hours make me feel sick!

Has been thinking hard what i want to do in life. But answers are like never found. Going for further study is my next plan but i do need to know what i want to study before i can proceed with my plan.

Think back to my ambition when i young. Of being a policewomen or a teacher. haha?

But actually the biggest problem is $$$$.

Where do i get so much $$ to study AND to have a living.

Ever since i work. of course been relying on myself fot living. But if i stop work, who going to feed me again. My parent wouldnt care about me le. If i work and study half. I will die. Cause i doubt i can cope.

Life is sian, but i move on sian also. Only to look forward to every weekend. Can go out just go out. Dont think so much le. Unlike last time. But expenses very high. haha. spend alot $$ recently. going to have a big hole in my pocket liao. Better start saving!!

Erm, i think my PMS is here. So moody swing quite bad recently. When i sad i will cry, just because i feel very very sad. When i happy, i will just smile and smile and smile :) haha.

I miss My mummy story session when my mum use to tell us when we young! Bedtime story.
I miss watching all my princess tales over and over again. I watch to watch. Still finding :( I want to watch all my princess tale!! ah!! someone help me. haha :P

Actually, I miss being a children. Where you have less problem and fan nao. Being the kid is the best. A simple show or a sweet can make yourself so happy. As we grow we grow greedy and never contented.

To be happy, We must learn to be contented. But is easy to say la. i cant do it myself also.

As for the you, You always stay in my mind and heart. Though u left my life, but u never left my heart. I cant do anything but to continue live my life everyday.

Jie Ying :)

~ { 4:45:00 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Friday, August 20, 2010

Some time i feel i am a UNWANTED goods.

How sad. A bit moody again :P Anyway, Update on life. So Sian la. Been eating alot again! sux. Worse still i stop swimming this week.

Cause of the girl monthly thingy and the 7th month. I need to start next week!

Armond, lets go swimming! Benjamin, lets go running! haha Just meet benjamin recently and been contacting. he is now at my house base camp there working. So he is pulling me to run. haha. Do you have the strenght to pull me? i am as heavy as a elephant. haha.

Talking about animal, so wanting to go zoo again! haha. Want to go with someone i love. haha. MY FAMILY!! I want a weekend family day. Just like when all of us are still young and mummy daddy carry us wherever we go. sound cool right. And zoo is always our favourate last time :) haha. The last time i went is also with someone i love. But time pass, everything also pass? No, though he is not around, but memorise still with me.

Talking about unwanted goods, i feel so sad. Why am i unwanted. :( so sad right. Am i really that not worth you to trust or am i really not worth for you to give me your love. Why is things so hard to understand. Whatever it is. Its no longer the same. Its clear.

I feel like jumping into the clear sea where i think i belong. When can i go Phuket and do all the water activites i want to try? I am serarching a home for myself. Will sea be my next home? hehe... ... I want to go with someone.. Who? i also dont know. haha. Want to stay out of paper, computers and document. i want a holiday to relax and have FUN with the one i love!

Miss Rainbow

~ { 1:45:00 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Friday, August 13, 2010

Morning world.. ...

Feeling a bit hang over after the night. Cant remember somethings and remember some.

Feeling very bad now. No idea why. Something really bad happened yesterday?

Whatever it is. Really sorry to whoever is in the picture.

To Christie, Mei Yin, Jonathan : sorry, didnt catch up with you guys yesterday night as arranged.

To Jordon: Sorry last min unable to attend your birthday party.

To Benjamin: Sorry for the worries and thank you for the care and concern as a friend. Whatever bad happend i am really sorry.

To Xavier: Sorry and thank you dear. You know what i thinking can le.

To my dear mei mei: Thanks for taking care of jie jie while i am like shit. Sorry for the late dinner and rest. loves

To myself: Its time to keep myself awake i see the world. Who is there to care for me and who is there for me when i need them. Being appreciative and create less trouble for the friends and people around me who cares for me.

Sorry world, friends, family, and myself for all the stupid things done.

Jie Ying
Miss Rainbow

~ { 12:38:00 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hey, down to do some updating... ...

actually nothing much.. Life is just so black and white nowadays. Simple yet complicated... ...

work work work...
Friends friends friends... ...
Family family family... ...
AND sports sports sport... ...

Weekday work everyday and have some sports after work,
Weekend call ppl out to hang out and night go clubbing.

Life became a Rountine.
So boring... ...

But making new friends can be fun yet tiring. I am still use to being myself. the quiet girl sitting at a corner listening more than talking.

Life is hard, but things move on.. Time still tick and my heart is still beating.

To me: how hard it is push down, i cant run away, but got hit everytime. just bearing the pain and healing it each time.

To others: Life move on too. But feel super stupid whenever people are giving concern when he/she doesnt need it.

Seeing the UGLY truth of it! So ugly! so go away! It sux to see.

Single is the status. How long will it last?

Dont believe in love anymore. Fool is the game. .

My theory come back... Promises made are mend to be broken.

So dont apply the theory to me... ...

Rain and sun NOT = to Rainbow

Rain and sun= Sick!

Caught in the sun and rain and i fall sick.

Taking care :)

signing off...
Miss rainbow

~ { 8:13:00 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Its time to let go...


~ { 1:25:00 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Its been a few days since everything started... ...

It seem like i have eaten the wrong pill. Called the emo pill.

Cried alone and Tears went dry... ... But thing doesnt went well at all...

Who can i cry to? Friends have their own life too. They have no much time to hear me cry and nag.

I thought i could stop crying, but no, i just realise whenever someone or something about him have mention or come across my mind. Tears start pouring...

People close to me will scold me and ask me to move on and STOP CRYING.
People not sure about us will say its a waste as its a 2 year plus relationship. What a Waste?

Myself? Both. Convencing myself that i should move on and lead a better life without him, other side thinking about this wasted 2 year plus relationship.

To be strong, i will tell myself how bad he have done this to me. How heartless and curel he left me alone here. And how much miserable he have cause to me and yet he can live happily and crazy fun out there now.

Iszzit a wrong from the start for both of us, like what my close friends K & MY say from the start...?

Alot of things stay unsolve. I never know how he felt till now why can he leave this relationship and left me unknowingly. Take everything away from me and Left nothing!! Like what he mention in his fb. His life is his playfulness and have fun.

Been keeping myself busy. Madly busy to not think of anything as much as possible. But guess how scary and deep he have left the scare in my heart. Even the only free time i have in toilet and taking a train, things just pop out of my mine. My laughter is so bitter and my smile is so solid that i can no longer smile relaxing from ear to ear.

Time is everything that solve the thing. Thats what all say and i know. This is period to go over. But something seem to pull me back. Hoping for a U-turn or a reverse of something.

I dont know how long more i can stay on. The one everybody is seeing now is someone who is holding herself up with a stick. And the stick may break anytime. If you think everything is fine, then i am lying.

-Rain never stop... just like the weather in Singapore now..
-No sign of the sun... No hope
-Thus the Rainbow shall stay hidden or disappear forever...


~ { 11:26:00 AM }
aiming for the sky above;